Breakfast Pizza with Baby Spinach, Portobello Mushrooms & Soppressata

This pizza recipe is perfect for breakfast. It is one of the most loved breakfast choices in my house, especially on Sunday. For vegetarian option you can omit salami and add sliced pepper or any other vegetable you want and have handy. Be creative!


• 1 pk Puff pastry
• 4 Tbsp Ajvar (Roasted Pepper)spread
• 2 Portobello Mushrooms
• Baby Spinach 
• Soppressata  salami sliced
• Kalamata olives
• Eggs
• Grated Mozzarella or Havarti cheese
• Dry Oregano
• Salt & Freshly cracked Black Pepper


• Preheat the oven to 350F
• Cut puff pastry in four equal  parts and roll it out to desired size (4”x 8”)
• Place it on baking tray 
• Spread 1 tbsp of Ajvar on each individual pizza dough
• Sprinkle with dry oregano
• Top with Baby Spinach, sliced Portobellos, sliced Soppressata & Kalamata olives
• Place one egg on each pizza and season with salt and freshly cracked black pepper
•Add grated cheese
•Bake for 15-20 minutes until egg is cooked and dough is nicely puffed and baked



You can substitute Ajvar spread with pesto, Baby Spinach with Baby Arugula and grated mozzarella with Bocconcini cheese. Voila! You just created Caprese pizza!
